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Scholarship and Appearances



Rosser, B., Talian, M.E., Crawford, A., Reed, S., Burrows-Stone, K., Friefelder, J., Freed, J., Stornaiuolo, Amy. (in-review). “Digital Discourse for What?”: Pursuing Deeper Purposes for English in Classrooms. English Journal.


Griffin. A. A., Crawford, A., Bentum, B., Reed, S., Winikur, G., Monea, B., Rosser, B., Thomas, E. E., & Stornaiuolo, A.  (2023). Towards a Jazz Pedagogy: Learning with and from Jazz Greats and Great Educators. Excellence and Equity in Education.


Rosser, B., (2023). An Inquiry into Black Girls' Self-Love Literacies. [Panel Presentation]. 2023 NCTE Annual Convention, Conexiones: Communicate, Collaborate, Create. Columbus, OH.


Cantrill, C., Rosser, B., (2023), Portnoy, D. Creating The Conexiones that We Need: Local Partners Collaborate and Communicate alongside K12 Youth and Colleagues to Build a More Perfect Union. [Panel Presentation]. 2023 NCTE Annual Convention, Conexiones: Communicate, Collaborate, Create. Columbus, OH.


Stornaiuolo, A., Levine, S., Rosser, B., Fergurson, L., Garg, R (2022). Literature in a Digital Age: Negotiating Differences, Distances, and Silences through Digital Discourse. [Highlighted Session]. The (Afro)futures of Black girls’ multimodal self-love literacies. Literacy Research Association, Crossing Boundaries and Borders: In Pursuit of Equity, Solidarity, and Social Justice. Phoenix, AZ.


Rosser, B., (2022). The Black Girls Literacies Project. [Panel Presentation]. 2022 NCTE Annual Convention, ¡Sueños! Pursuing the Light!. Anaheim, CA.


Rosser, B., (2022). The Future of Literacy Education: Digital Discourse For What?. [50-Minute Breakout Presentation]. 2022 NCTE Annual Convention, ¡Sueños! Pursuing the Light!. Anaheim, CA.


Rosser, B., (2021, November 19). The Black Girls Literacies Project. [Virtual Panel Session]. 2021 NCTE Annual Convention, Equity, Justice, and Antiracist Teaching, virtual conference.


Rosser, B., (2021, November 19). Centering Black Excellence: HBCU Graduates Discussing Equity in ELA. [Virtual Panel Session]. 2021 NCTE Annual Convention, Equity, Justice, and Antiracist Teaching, virtual conference.


Rosser, B., Griffin, A., Monea, B. (2020). Exploring Multimodality Together: Digital Multimodal Analysis with Practitioners. [Paper Presentation]. AERA 2022 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.




Rosser, B., & Cobb, A. (2021). Patterns: A Collection of Poetry on Heartbreak and Possibility. Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US.


Rosser, B., (In Progress). Griffin, A. A. & Sealey-Ruiz, Y. All About [Black Girl] Love: Black Girls & Love in Educational Spaces. Routledge. (An Inquiry into Black Girls' Self-Love Literacies)



Black Girls Literacies Project promotes self-care and community for Philadelphia teens | Penn GSE. (2023, March 8). Penn GSE. Retrieved March 16, 2023, from 

File, N. (2023, February 9). As Black girls, we have to maintain a sisterhood’: How a literacy project encourages girls to love themselves. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved March 16, 2023, from

Rosser, B. (2022, September 14). What is an anti-racist school? Best practices in education GreatSchools. Retrieved January 3, 2023, from 


Rosser, B. (Host). (2021) A Black Girl’s Love Story: Speak Ya Truth Sis! [Audio podcast]. 

Rosser, B. (2017). Rosser, B. (2017). Being a Black Educator in the White Spaces in America’s Schools. [article]. Philly's 7th Ward.

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