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Scholarship and Appearances





Rosser, B., Talian, M.E., Crawford, A., Reed, S., Burrows-Stone, K., Friefelder, J., Freed, J., Stornaiuolo, Amy. (in review). “Digital Discourse for What?”: Pursuing Deeper Purposes for English in Classrooms. English Journal.


Griffin. A. A., Crawford, A., Bentum, B., Reed, S., Winikur, G., Monea, B., Rosser, B., Thomas, E. E., & Stornaiuolo, A. (2023). Towards a Jazz Pedagogy: Learning with and from Jazz Greats and Great Educators. Excellence and Equity in Education.




Rosser, B., Freed, J., Stornaiuolo, A., Garg, R., Abbott, C., de Grazia, G., (2024) Intergenerational Writing Communities for Change: Reimagining Writing and Inquiry Partnerships with Youth, [Panel Presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention. Heart, Hope, Humanity. Boston, MA. 


Rosser, B., Velazquez-Smith, T., (2024) Melanated Literacies: Black Women Educators Holding Space with and for Black Girls. [Individual Presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention. Heart, Hope, Humanity. Boston, MA.          


Freed, J., Stornaiuolo, A., Rosser, B., Garg, R., Griffin, A., Ferguson, L., Crawford, A., Thomas, E., Mirra, N., (2024) Black Women Literacy Researchers at Work: On the Multiple Ways of Researching Black Girls’ Literacies. [Paper Presentation]. Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Convention. Empowerment Literacy(Ies): Making 'good Trouble' That Actuates Agency. Atlanta, GA.


Rosser, B., Toliver, S., Hines, C., Wellington, D., Menefee, D., Uzumbo, A., Reka, B., Jones, S., (2024) Black Women Literacy Researchers at Work: On the Multiple Ways of Researching Black Girls’ Literacies. [Symposium]. Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Convention. Empowerment Literacy(Ies): Making 'good Trouble' That Actuates Agency. Atlanta, GA.

Rosser, B., Morten, Price, L., Taylor, K., (2024). “Go Off Sis: Journeying through (Re)searching with Black Girls through Space and Place”. [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Convention, Dismantling Racial Injustice And Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call To Action. Philadelphia, PA.


Rosser, B., Talian, M.E., Crawford, A., Freed, J., (2024). “Digital Discourse for What?” Turning the Digital toward Collective Humanization in English Classrooms [Roundtable Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Convention, Dismantling Racial Injustice And Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call To Action. Philadelphia, PA.


Rosser, B., (2023). An Inquiry into Black Girls' Self-Love Literacies. [Panel Presentation]. 2023 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Conexiones: Communicate, Collaborate, Create. Columbus, OH.


Cantrill, C., Rosser, B., (2023), Portnoy, D. Creating The Conexiones that We Need: Local Partners Collaborate and Communicate alongside K12 Youth and Colleagues to Build a More Perfect Union. [Panel Presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Conexiones: Communicate, Collaborate, Create. Columbus, OH.


Stornaiuolo, A., Rosser, B., (2023). Connecting through Literature in a Digital Age: Creating and Collaborating through Digital Discourse in ELA Classrooms [Panel Presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Conexiones: Communicate, Collaborate, Create. Columbus, OH.


Stornaiuolo, A., Levine, S., Rosser, B., Fergurson, L., Garg, R (2022). Literature in a Digital Age: Negotiating Differences, Distances, and Silences through Digital Discourse. [Highlighted Session]. The (Afro)futures of Black girls’ multimodal self-love literacies. Literacy Research Association, Crossing Boundaries and Borders: In Pursuit of Equity, Solidarity, and Social Justice. Phoenix, AZ.


Rosser, B., (2022). The Black Girls Literacies Project. [Presentation]. Celebration of Writing and Literacy (CoWL), Teaching Environmental Justice., Philadelphia, PA.


Rosser, B., (2022). The Black Girls Literacies Project. [Panel Presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, ¡Sueños! Pursuing the Light!. Anaheim, CA.


Rosser, B., (2022). The Future of Literacy Education: Digital Discourse For What?. [50-Minute Breakout Presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, ¡Sueños! Pursuing the Light!. Anaheim, CA.


Rosser, B., Griffin, A., Monea, B. (2022). Exploring Multimodality Together: Digital Multimodal Analysis with Practitioners. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.


Rosser, B., (2021). The Black Girls Literacies Project. [Virtual Panel Session]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Equity, Justice, and Antiracist Teaching, virtual conference.


Toliver, Stephanie, Rosser, B., (2021). Centering Black Excellence: HBCU Graduates Discussing Equity in ELA. [Virtual Panel Session]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Equity, Justice, and Antiracist Teaching. virtual conference.




Rosser, B. & Cobb, A. (2021). Patterns: A Collection of Poetry on Heartbreak and Possibility. Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US.




Black Girls Literacies Project promotes self-care and community for Philadelphia teens | Penn GSE. (2023, March 8). Penn GSE. Retrieved March 16, 2023, from 


File, N. (2023, February 9). As Black girls, we have to maintain a sisterhood’: How a literacy project encourages girls to love themselves. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved March 16, 2023, from 


Rosser, B. (2022). What is an anti-racist school? Best practices in education GreatSchools. 


Rosser, B. (2021) A Black Girl’s Love Story: Speak Ya Truth Sis! [audio podcast]. 


Rosser, B. (2017). Being a Black Educator in the White Spaces in America’s Schools. [article]. Philly's 7th Ward. 




Rosser, B. (panelist). (2023) Black Women and Girls’ Women’s Education: Working Together to Support Black Girls & Women Inside and Out. [virtual panel discussion]. Penn GSE HEARD.


Rosser, B. (interviewer). (2023) The Write Time with Nikki Grimes. [virtual interview]. National Writing Project.


Rosser, B. (panelist). (2023) Written Literacies & Joy episode inspired by the work of Dr. Gholdy Muhammad. [virtual interview]. AERA Writing and Literacies SIG YouTube.

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